
In other languages than German:


peer reviewed

Heinemann, Alisha M. B. (2018):  The Making of 'Good Citizens': German Courses for Migrants and Refugees, in: Studies in the Education of Adults, Special Issue: Migration, Adult Education and Learning, Volume 49 (2017), Issue 2, Taylor & Francis online, p 177-195
open access

Heinemann, Alisha M. B.; Castro Varela, María do Mar (2017): Contesting
the Imperial Agenda. Respelling Hopelessness. Some Thoughts on the Dereliction of the University
in: "Decolonizing the University" - Special issue of the _Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies_ (TvG), Vol. 20, No. 3, S. 259-274
  open access

Book Chapters

Bonna, Franziska; Heinemann, Alisha M.B. (2023): Inclusion and Critical Diversity Literacy in German Institutions of Higher Education, in: Nesrin Oruç Ertürk, Aynur Yürekli (eds): Inclusive Education. Definition and conceptional Framework. Voices from the classroom, Vol. 2, Waxmann Verlag, p. 39-70

Heinemann, Alisha M. B. (2015): Reasons for (not) participating in institutionalised forms of further education and training - Reflections from the perspective of German women with a so-called immigration background in: Anke Grotlüschen, Diana Zimper: Literalitäts- und Grundlagenforschung, Waxmann Verlag, Münster, S. 275-283

Heinemann, Alisha (2018): The general education system in Germany. Almanya'da Genel Eğitim Sistemi. In: Balçova Belediyesi/ Yeni Kuşak Köy Enstitüler Dernegi Yayınları (Hrsg.): Uluslararsı Sempozyum. Köy Enstitülerinin Kuruluşunun 78. Yıl Dönümünde Eğitimde Adaleti Düşünmek. İzmir (Yeni Kuşak Köy Enstitülüler Derneği Yayınları), S. 120-130. (Übersetzung: Kemal İnal, englische Version: S. 120-124; türkische Version: S. 125-129)

Publications in German
